Yup the yummy delecious chocolate is my topic for the day. If we consume the same type of food again and again evrytime it's said that we lose interest in it. But it never seems to happen so when it comes to things like chocolate and ice-cream (especially the one which has the hot chocolate sauce poured over them).
Ok the main reason to talk about them is because my cousin had called me from states last month and asked me what i want from there and immediate reply given by me was "CHOCOLATES". When he said that's default and asked what else i want i was like an extra packet of chocolate for me.Whatelse am i suppose to ask when that's what i want. But everycousin who come from the US always visit our house loaded with a huge box of chocolates.How sweet of them right? But imagine when all of them get the same kisses chocolates? Oh comeon i don't mind having those small chocolates but would always prefer bars(This information is for all those people who plan to get me chocolates).
Imagine a late evening, when you can sit on a swing with a good book in one hand and a big bar of tasty chocolate in other! Now include a melodious romantic number being played in your background. WOW! I simply love that. Nothing peaceful and enjoyable then this. This combination is more then enough for me to while away my time. But even if one of the major ingredient goes missing then off goes the beauty, the mood and all. And the best way to treat yourself when you get angry is again to stuff your mouth with chocolates so that you don't let it out on others;)
Hence, be whatever the situation, mood, place, time, etc it's always lovely to have a bar of chocolate i hand and enjoy it.
PS: Nowhere in this blog have i mentioned anything about sharing of chocolates.So never except me to give a share, it's the worst thing to do:(